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What is WS in SOA?

 WS in SOA


ü WS stands for Web services.

ü The term "Web Service" can be described as a way of communicating with web based application using the open standards such as XML, SOAP, WSDL and UDDI.

ü Web Services are used to convert the existing application into the web based application.

Web Services are associated with following two classifications:

 Temporary classification

 Permanent Classification

Temporary classification(Service Role):

 Ã¼ Temporary classification is known as Service Role.

 Ã¼ Service Role is based on the roles it assumes during the runtime processing of a message.

ü A Web Service is capable of assuming different roles, depending on the context used.

Different Service Roles are,

 Service Provider

 Service Requestor


 Initial Sender and Ultimate Receiver

 Service Composition

Permanent Classification(Service Models):

 Ã¼ Permanent Classification is known as Service Models.

 Ã¼ Service Model is based on the application logic it provides and the roles it assumes within a solution environment.

Types Of Service Models:

 Business Service Model

 Utility Service Model

 Controller Service Model

Components Of Web Services:


Ø SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol)

Ø WSDL(Web Service Definition Language)

Ø UDDI(Universal Description, Discovery and Integration)

Ø RDF(Resource Description Framework)

Ø RSS(Really Simple Syndication)

Features Of Web Services:

Ø WS are application Components.

Ø WS are self-contained and self-describing.

Ø WS communicate using open protocols.

Ø WS can be discovered using UDDI.

Ø WS can be used by other applications.

Characteristics Of Web Services:

Ø WS is XML based 

Ø It is loosely coupled

Ø Ability to be Synchronous or Asynchronous

Ø Supports Remote Procedure Calls

Ø Support Document Exchange


NOTE: This post does not contain the full explanation of WS, this post is for the last minute preparation of the exam.

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